Oct 28, 2008


that fact that she didnt notice the huge chunks of B.S falling from his mouth appalled me and spaced the fuck out of my neurons.

he walked through and inmediately raised hell with his eyes. sadistic. catastrophic looks on eva's part-time sisters screened the rotten porcelain Zeus Abs; he was honey gold and stingy flies could catch him.

she exhales, he swifts the look. no more respect for the sake of that THAN' they call relationship. WHY DIDNT YOU TELL ME? WHY'D YOU HAVE TO CHEAT?

sneaky son of a bitch smurks. merci beaucoup for triggering my soul.


deal's off. and she walks - never runs - to the nearest toilette.


Penelope said...

im addicted to this,
Ur great.

Love, Penelope ;)

pao.la said...

graciasss amor!!